An Easy Spring Checklist for your Yard
Spring is linked to all sorts of wonderful things like new beginnings, cleaning, and blooming! It's here and we want to make sure

Adding Character to Your Yard in the Winter
As Californians, we are lucky to live in such a nice, warm climate. But sometimes, the winter days hit us harder than usual, and we need...

Transforming with Trees
Trees are the most transformative landscape element you can add to a property. Even though we are in drought conditions here in Southern...

The Right Time to Trim Trees
There are a few reason why the time of year matters when trimming trees. In most cases, the winter months from November to March is the...

So Cal Lawn / Turf Replacement Program
The dire drought situation in many parts of the United States and specifically Southern California has led to new incentives to replace your

Low Water Groundcovers for So Cal
As drought conditions continue to increase in California, the push to get rid of lawns is also increasing. One great option to replace grass

The term Xeriscape comes from the Greek word 'xeros' which means 'dry' combined with 'scape' meaning 'dry landscape'

June 1st 2022 New Water Restrictions Begin
It is time to up our commitment to water conservation and starting June 1st, 2022, new water restrictions will begin. The latest Drought

Latest Drought Data Brings New Water Restrictions for Southern California
There simply isn't enough water to meet the demands of our state, leading to a water shortage emergency declared by the Metropolitan...

Water Usage Up in California Despite Drought
While it's wonderful California got some more rain recently, we still have drought conditions to face. For a second year in a row, Governor