Hiring a Landscaping Team

Whether beginning a new landscaping project or renovating existing grounds, finding a good landscaping team is made easy thanks to the California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA).
CLCA’s Find My Contractor Search is an easy way to find someone in your area and you can also enter a name to see if they are a member of the CLCA.
Here are the important questions to ask when hiring a landscaping team:
Are They Licensed?
If your project costs more than $500, the contractor must be licensed by the state of California. To verify a license, use the California State License Board’s Instant License Check or call them at (800) 321-2752.
Contractors must demonstrate a minimum level of competency and financial responsibility to be licensed. All CLCA member-contractors meet this requirement.
Many of California’s cities and counties require business licenses. The Department of Agriculture requires landscape firms applying pesticides in California to have a pest control license.
Are They Insured?
Workers’ compensation insurance protects you in case a worker employed by a contractor is injured on your property. General liability insurance protects against not-so-natural disasters. These policies typically offer a minimum coverage of $300,000 to $1 million for residential and at least $1 million for commercial work.
Are They Certified?
CLCA Certified Water Managers must pass a written test and complete a rigorous year-long field performance test that documents their ability to use water wisely.
Landscape Industry Certified Technicians must pass a rigorous written & “hands-on” examination demonstrating a thorough knowledge of installation, maintenance and irrigation.
Pacific Vista Landscape Services is proud to be a member of the CLCA and licensed, insured, and certified! Contact us today for a free consultation on your next landscaping project!